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What is cerec system?

Cerec is a modern digital technology, which allows us to produce a crown or any other kind of ceramic restoration during the same visit, without leaving the clinic.

3D dental ceramic restorations made with the CEREC system are more precise, produced faster and are of longer durability.

In just one visit – metal-free dental restorations are produced in minutes that are strong, precise, and are characterised by good durability and a perfect aesthetic appearance.

All frequently asked questions

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How does CEREC work?

Odontologist Ieva Day-Stirrat answers the question about CEREC system and dental prosthesis with this technology.
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What materials are used for CEREC?

Odontologist Ieva Day-Stirrat answers, how dental ceramic restorations are made with the CEREC system.
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Why is CEREC system better than traditional way of making crowns?

Odontologist Ieva Day-Stirrat answers the question about CEREC system and dental prosthesis with this technology.

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